Showing 1 - 20 of 57 jobs
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational, and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health, and society. Read more: The Electrical Engineering unit at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC) in the Tampere University invites applications for a Doctoral Researcher position in t...
Together, Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences form a higher education community that places faith in people and scientific knowledge. Leading experts in the fields of technology, health and society are changing the world at Finland’s second largest multidisciplinary higher education institution. Tampere University is presently developing modern infrastructures related to multidisciplinary human-centered research. This includes several high-qual...
Softa-alan pioneereina yli 20 vuotta Bitwise on noin sadan osaajan tamperelainen ohjelmistotalo. Yli kaksikymmentävuotisen taipaleemme aikana olemme tehneet töitä esimerkiksi liikkuvien työkoneiden, autoteollisuuden, liikenneinfran, hitsausrobotiikan, sensoripohjaisten mittausjärjestelmien, lääketieteellisten laitteiden ja liikunta-alan sekä huippu-urheilun digitalisaation parissa. Meillä ainutlaatuiset yksilöt muodostavat yhdessä osaajien yhteisön. Kaikkia yhdistävänä tekijänä on mielenki...
Haluatko toimia tärkeässä roolissa taistelussa tietoturvauhkia vastaan, sekä olla mukana varmistamassa asiakkaidemme IT-infrastruktuurin toiminnan saumattoman jatkuvuuden ja tietoturvallisuuden? Haemme nyt Telia Cygatelle kokenutta Cyber Security Engineer -henkilöä Telia Cygaten Security Operations Center (SOC) Senior Analysts & Engineering -tiimiin. Tiimimme tehtävänä on keskittyä tietoturvauhkien ehkäisemiseen, tietoturvapoikkeamien hallintaan, sekä asiakkaidemme tietoturvan kehittämiseen ...
Etsimme nyt Service Operations -osastollemme oppimishaluisella asenteella varustettua osaajaa Network Specialist -rooliin Network Solutions -tiimiin. Olen Timo Hartikainen, Network & Security Tiimin vetäjä, ja etsin innostunutta tekijää, joka on valmis viemään palvelumme seuraavalle tasolle. Yksikkömme vastaa asiakkaidemme IT- palvelutuotannon ylläpitämisestä ja valvonnasta yli sadan ICT-ammattilaisen avulla. Network Engineer roolissa sinä… työskentelet osana verkkoasiantuntijaporukkaa...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our university community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. The position is placed in the Computing Sciences Unit at Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University. The Unit currently employs 45 professors and 55 full-time teachers. Ou...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our university community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. The position is placed in the Computing Sciences Unit at Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University. The Unit currently employs 45 professors and 55 full-time teachers. Ou...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. The Faculty of Medicine and Health technology invites applications for several full-time Doctoral Researcher positions starting in May 2025. Job description We are looking for highly qualified and motivated Do...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. We are seeking two (2) Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors in the field of 1) Electronics and Embedded Systems and 2) Microelectronics Circuit Design. The positions are placed within the Faculty of Informatio...
”Moro, olen Jari ja työskentelen full-stack kehittäjänä Bitwisellä. Full-stack-kehittäjänä työnkuvaani kuuluvat tarvittaessa sekä webin client-puolen kehitys sekä palvelinpuolen kehitys. Angular on meillä suosittu frontend-kirjasto, sillä se toimii hyvin erilaisissa sovelluskohteissa. Myös esimerkiksi Vue ja React ovat meillä käytössä. Tilallisuutta sovelluksiin on rakennettu yleensä Reduxin storen avulla ja Angularin kanssa nimenomaan ngrx-versiolla. Viime aikoina olen käyttänyt Fireba...
Softa-alan pioneereina yli 20 vuotta Bitwise on noin sadan osaajan tamperelainen ohjelmistotalo. Yli kaksikymmentävuotisen taipaleemme aikana olemme tehneet töitä esimerkiksi liikkuvien työkoneiden, autoteollisuuden, liikenneinfran, hitsausrobotiikan, sensoripohjaisten mittausjärjestelmien, lääketieteellisten laitteiden ja liikunta-alan sekä huippu-urheilun digitalisaation parissa. Meillä ainutlaatuiset yksilöt muodostavat yhdessä osaajien yhteisön. Kaikkia yhdistävänä tekijänä on mielenki...
Tampere University aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. Its focus areas are technology, health, and society. The university regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit . As a university-level initiative to boost scientific excellence, Tampere University launched the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study in 2021. The purpose of the Inst...
Tampere University aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. Its focus areas are technology, health, and society. The university regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit . As a university-level initiative to boost scientific excellence, Tampere University launched the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study in 2021. The purpose of the Inst...
Tampere University aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. Its focus areas are technology, health, and society. The university regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit visit . As a university-level initiative to boost scientific excellence, Tampere University launched the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study in 2021. The purpose of th...
Tampere University aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. Its focus areas are technology, health, and society. The university regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit . As a university-level initiative to boost scientific excellence, Tampere University launched the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study in 2021. The purpose of the Inst...
Tampere University aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. Its focus areas are technology, health, and society. The university regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit visit . As a university-level initiative to boost scientific excellence, Tampere University launched the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study in 2021. The purpose of th...
Tampere University aims at scientific excellence and societal impact in research. Its focus areas are technology, health, and society. The university regards the competence of staff as its most important strategic asset and supports its development. For further information, please visit visit . As a university-level initiative to boost scientific excellence, Tampere University launched the Tampere Institute for Advanced Study in 2021. The purpose of th...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our university community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. We are seeking a Professor of Practice in the field of Journalism for a fixed term employment between 1 August 2025 and 30 June 2026. The position is located in the Faculty of Information Technology and Communi...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. The research group on Light Robots at Tampere University, Finland, currently has 8 researchers and is led by Prof. Hao Zeng. The group works at the interface between physics, soft mechanics and material enginee...
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our university community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. The Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology (MET) is dedicated to pursuing world-class research and delivering high-quality education in the fields of biomedical engineering, biotechnology, medicine and hea...