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Published date Today
Location Espoo
Aalto University

Impact of the war in Ukraine on Aalto ...

Published date Today
End date Due date: 03 Nov, 2024
Location Turku
Meyer Turku

Tule mukaan rakentamaan maailman upeimpia risteilyaluksia!   Oletko sähkösuunnittelun ammattilainen, joka innostuu uusista haasteista ja haluaa olla osa huippuammattilaisista koostuvaa tiimiä? Etsimme sähkösuunnittelijoita mukaan sähkösuunnittelutiimiimme.  Nyt sinulla on ainutlaatuinen tilaisuus työskennellä innovatiivisessa ja monipuolisessa ympäristössä, jossa pääset kehittämään laivanrakennusalan johtavia ratkaisuja.     Mitä sähkösuunnittelijan tehtäviin kuuluu? Sähkösuunnitt...

Published date Today
Location Helsinki

<div class="content-intro"><p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720"></p></div><p>RELEX Solutions create cutting-edge supply chain and retail planning software. Within our platforms, we have the power and potential to increase adaptability, efficiency and sustainability in the consumer goods and retail value chain. Our impact is tangible; from sustainability and e...

Published date Today
End date Due date: 03 Nov, 2024
Location Turku
Meyer Turku

Tule mukaan rakentamaan maailman upeimpia risteilyaluksia!   Meyer Turku on yksi Euroopan johtavista laivanrakennusyrityksistä. Laivanrakennus on kiehtovaa liiketoimintaa ja työnämme on toteuttaa visioita. Suunnittelemamme ja rakentamamme maailman edistyksellisimmät risteilijäalukset ovat yhdistelmä korkeimman tason tietotaitoa ja innovatiivista teknologiaa. Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus olla osa tätä vaikuttavaa laivanrakennusprosessia – etsimme systeemi-insinöörejä Meyer Turun sähkösuunni...

Published date Today
Location Helsinki

WithSecure delivers research-led cyber security to defend organizations, society and people from real-world attacks and build resilience into their approach. Our people are a mix of technical and creative experts – diverse, talented, and passionate people – working tirelessly to help us advance the industry with new ways of thinking. They lead their own development, in and out of the office. They call the shots when it comes to building a place to call home in our organization. Our Attack Su...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 01 Nov, 2024
Location Turku
Meyer Turku

Haluaisitko olla kehittämässä telakan tuotantoa ja luomassa entistä tehokkaampia laivanrakennusprosesseja?   Haemme nyt PROJECT MANAGERIA  vahvistamaan tuotanto-organisaatiotamme tavoitteen saavuttamisessa.   Mitä projektipäällikön tehtäviin kuuluu? Tutkit, tunnistat ja edistät telakan tuotantostrategiaa tukevia toimenpiteitä Toimit projektipäällikkönä tai asiantuntijatehtävissä tuotannon kehitysprojekteissa Havainnoit ja tunnistat parannusmahdollisuuksia toimintaympäristössämme...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 21 Oct, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 13 Nov, 2024
Location Tampere
Tampere University

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society.    We are now seeking an Associate Professor or Professor in the field of building services engineering.  At Tampere University, we are working to solve society's major challenges and create new opportunities by linkin...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 06 Nov, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. We want to change the course towards an interconnected and cleaner maritime future and are constantly on the lookout for future-oriented talent to join our team and to work...

Published date Yesterday
Location Kalajoki

Tehtäviisi kuuluvat – asiakaspalvelu – kassatyöskentely  – vitriinituotteiden valmistus ja esillepano – ruoka-annoksien valmistus – tuotejärjestely ja – yleisestä siisteydestä huolehtiminen Lisäksi pääset oppimaan Veikkauksen ja Toton ihmeellistä maailmaa. Odotamme Odotamme sinulta reipasta ja iloista asennetta asiakaspalveluun. Olet huolellinen, joustava ja kiire ei haittaa. Olethan oma-aloitteinen ja itsenäinen, sillä osa työvuoroista tehdään yksin. Tiimityöskentelytaidot ovat myös ...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 08 Dec, 2024

  We are looking for a talented, curious, and enthusiastic Game Artist to join our team. This role is a one-year fixed-term position in a hybrid work environment.   You'll work closely with artists, designers, and programmers on our hit game, Merge Gardens , creating beautiful concepts, game art like gameplay items and environment art, while also collaborating with our external partners. As a part of our fun, ambitious, and driven team, you will get to take responsibility fo...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 06 Nov, 2024
Location Vaasa

Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...

Published date Yesterday
Location Helsinki

Join yousician Yousician aims to impact and enrich the lives of millions of people by empowering them to learn something new, promoting their wellbeing and using their time for something meaningful. Our job is to reimagine music education, so everyone can play.  However, you don't need to be a musician to join Yousician.  We’ve built an amazing team of creative, passionate, and independent people, all working together to help millions of people learn, play, and have fun. If you are look...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 01 Nov, 2024
Location Turku
Meyer Turku

Haluaisitko olla kehittämässä hiilineutraalia telakkaa ja luomassa ympäristöystävällisempää laivanrakennusprosessia?   Haemme nyt SUSTAINABILITY SPECIALISTIA vahvistamaan tuotanto-organisaatiotamme tavoitteen saavuttamisessa.   Mitä vastuullisuusasiantuntijan tehtäviin kuuluu? Tutkit, tunnistat ja edistät telakan vastuullisuusstrategiaa tukevia toimenpiteitä Edistät vastuullisuustietoisuutta organisaatiossa sekä vastuullisuusnäkökulmien huomiointia päätöksentekoprosesseissa Osa...

Published date Yesterday
Location Helsinki

<div class="content-intro"><p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720"></p></div><p>RELEX Solutions create cutting-edge supply chain and retail planning software. Within our platforms, we have the power and potential to increase adaptability, efficiency and sustainability in the consumer goods and retail value chain. Our impact is tangible; from sustainability and e...

Published date Yesterday
End date Due date: 31 Oct, 2024
Location Oulu, Helsinki

WithSecure™ protects businesses all over the world from modern threats. We do this through a Co-security approach born from first-hand knowledge that no one can solve every cyber security problem alone. Every single day, our diverse, growing team fights against online extortion, threats to national infrastructure, the unlawful spread of sensitive information, and everything in-between. The best part about working for WithSecure is our people! We are a community of dedicated and passionate pr...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
End date Due date: 29 Oct, 2024
Location Espoo

We are looking for an experienced professional to lead the portfolio of key Global Operations projects in within Orion's Corporate Program Management unit. You will be working in a strategic position to enhance Orion's future competitiveness and internationalization. Description of position Director, Operations Portfolio Management is responsible for defining and managing Global Operations project portfolios, ensuring that strategic and operational business goals are met effectively. You wi...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
Location Helsinki

<p><img src="" alt="" width="100%" height=""></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">We are now looking for a full-time </span><strong>Software Developer</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> to join our RELEX family in Helsinki. You’ll join the On-The-Go team of 4 people within our RELEX Store product, who will help you succeed in your new role. Together the te...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
End date Due date: 31 Oct, 2024
Location Hanko

Haemme tytäryhtiömme Fermionin Hangon tehtaallemme sähköalan osaajaa sähkö-instrumentti asentajan tehtävään vakituiseen työsuhteeseen!  Tehtävän kuvaus Tehtävänäsi on suorittaa kiinteistöjen, tuotantolaitteiden ja hyödykejärjestelmien asennus-, korjaus- ja huoltotöitä huomioiden voimassa olevat työohjeet sekä muut kirjalliset ja suulliset määräykset. Työt raportoidaan itsenäisesti kunnossapitojärjestelmään. Työalueeseen kuuluu koko Hangon tehtaan alue. T yö ajoittuu pääosin ma-pe välill...

Published date Posted 2 days ago
Location Espoo
Aalto University

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 13 000 students, 400 professors, and more than 4 500 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland. Diversity is part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure ...