Showing 1 - 20 of 101 jobs
Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...
Työtehtävät Betonimyllärin työ pitää sisällään betonimassan valmistamista ja siihen liittyvää valvonta- ja tarkistustyötä. Lisäksi työnkuvaan kuuluu betoniaseman yleiset huolto- ja kunnossapitotehtävät. Töitä tehdään pääsääntöisesti arkisin klo 6.00-16.00 välillä. Odotamme hakijalta kuitenkin mahdollisuutta joustaa työvuoroissa tarpeen mukaan. Odotamme sinulta Oma-aloitteista ja motivoitunutta asennetta sekä hyvää paineensietokykyä. Kokemusta tai soveltuvaa koulutusta (rakennus-,...
Työtehtävät Porrassiivoojana teet asunto-osakeyhtiöiden porraskäytävien sekä yleisten tilojen siivousta, lattioiden vahausta sekä ikkunapintojen pesua. Lisäksi tehtäviin kuuluu peruspesu. Työkohteet sijaitsevat Helsingissä, ja oman auton käyttö työkohteiden välisillä matkoilla on iso etu. Töitä tehdään arkisin klo 7.00-15.30 välillä, ja työaika on 37,5h/vko. Odotamme sinulta Oma-aloitteista ja motivoitunutta asennetta sekä huolellista työnjälkeä. Kokemusta porrassiivouksesta, vahau...
<div class="content-intro"><p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720"></p></div><p><strong> IT Asset Management Specialist</strong></p> <p><strong>Job Summary</strong></p> <p>The Junior IT Asset Management Specialist will focus on the day-to-day operations of IT asset management, including handling hardware-relat...
I'm Kęstutis Černiauskas and I'm looking for a new team member. You will be part of the Identity and Modern Workplace Security and Architecture team, a dynamic group of IT solution architects and DevOps engineers. You will be responsible for the Identity Provider (IdP) service and infrastructure. Join us, and you will have a chance to modernize IT services, drive innovation, and shape the future of Workplace services! As a Support Engineer (Identity Federation), you’ll... Your key duties...
Innostutko kampanjaratkaisujen rakentamisesta? Onko numeroiden ja erilaisten suunnittelutyökalujen parissa työskentely vahvuuksiasi? Nautitko vaihtelevista ja vauhdikkaistakin työpäivistä, joita kuitenkin rutiinit mukavasti rytmittävät? Kykenetkö luomaan lisäarvoa asiakkaalle omalla asiantuntijuudellasi hyödyntäen kampanja- ja katseludataa? Haemme Mediasuunnitteluun Media Planneria vanhempainvapaan ajaksi. Mediasuunnittelu on osa MTV:n kaupallista organisaatiota ja vastaa btob-asiakkaide...
Want to embark on a new career journey where you can make a real impact? I'm Marko Onikki, and I'm searching for a curious individual like you, ready to leave a lasting mark. Join our team, where your skills will thrive, and together – let's make better happen! As a Cloud IP Network DevOps Engineer… You will continue to evolve our network cloud platform and do this by using the latest technologies in this area. You’ll be part of the Connectivity & Delivery Team, responsible for buildi...
At WithSecure™, we protect businesses all over the world. Our SaaS solutions safeguard against modern cyber threats, and our innovative Co-security approach reflects our belief that true protection requires collaboration and shared expertise. No one can solve every cyber security problem alone. Our vision is to become Europe’s flagship in cyber security. Every day, our talented teams work to prevent cyber extortion, secure critical infrastructure, and prevent misuse of sensitive data. At WithS...
Kiinnostaisiko sinua tulla mukaan luomaan parempaa huomista? Palkkaamme kesäksi satoja kesätyöntekijöitä erilaisiin tehtäviin ympäri Suomen! Olen Patrik Westerberg, Telian kuluttajaliiketoiminnan Head of Offering. Meillä pääset työskentelemään innovatiivisessa ympäristössä, jossa teknologia ja asiakaskokemus ovat keskiössä. Tarjoamme sinulle mahdollisuuden kehittää taitojasi ja oppia uutta! Tiimimme vastaa kuluttajaliiketoiminnan liittymä – ja laitetarjoomasta. Offering Manager Traineena si...
Haluatko toimia tärkeässä roolissa taistelussa tietoturvauhkia vastaan, sekä olla mukana varmistamassa asiakkaidemme IT-infrastruktuurin toiminnan saumattoman jatkuvuuden ja tietoturvallisuuden? Haemme nyt Telia Cygatelle kokenutta Cyber Security Engineer -henkilöä Telia Cygaten Security Operations Center (SOC) Senior Analysts & Engineering -tiimiin. Tiimimme tehtävänä on keskittyä tietoturvauhkien ehkäisemiseen, tietoturvapoikkeamien hallintaan, sekä asiakkaidemme tietoturvan kehittämiseen ...
Etsimme nyt Service Operations -osastollemme oppimishaluisella asenteella varustettua osaajaa Network Specialist -rooliin Network Solutions -tiimiin. Olen Timo Hartikainen, Network & Security Tiimin vetäjä, ja etsin innostunutta tekijää, joka on valmis viemään palvelumme seuraavalle tasolle. Yksikkömme vastaa asiakkaidemme IT- palvelutuotannon ylläpitämisestä ja valvonnasta yli sadan ICT-ammattilaisen avulla. Network Engineer roolissa sinä… työskentelet osana verkkoasiantuntijaporukkaa...
Job description Nordic Growth offers a unique opportunity to participate in diverse corporate transactions, develop your skills, and grow into an industry professional in a stable and supportive environment. You will play an integral role in a wide range of investment banking services, such as: Planning and executing corporate transactions (M&A). Preparing market and company research, and conducting financial analyses, valuations and modeling. ...
Are you looking for a role at Telia where you will play a key part in shaping the future of radio access networks and driving transformation? The Radio Access Network unit is responsible for the evolution, design, development, operations, and life-cycle management of radio access networks across Telia. Our objective is to develop, operate, and manage high-quality, cost-efficient systems that enable innovative products and provide the best value to our customers. As a Head of RAN Automation ...
Do you have a hacker’s mindset and want to use it for a good cause? Do you dream in code and spot vulnerabilities even in your sleep? Are you eager to join a team of like-minded individuals who look at things and ask, “What could possibly go wrong?” Are you skilled with people and excited to collaborate with clients to enhance their security posture? If so, we at WithSecure Consulting might have the perfect job for you! We are seeking mid-level and senior technical cybersecurity consu...
<p><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}"><img src="" alt="" width="1276" height="681"></span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335559739":160,"335559740":259}"> </span></p> <p><span data-contrast="none">We are now looking for a</span> <strong><span d...
Wärtsilä is a world leader in marine technology and leading the industry's transformation towards a decarbonised and sustainable future. With the world’s widest portfolio and service network, we – Wärtsilians - deliver efficient, safe and sustainable integrated products and solutions to enhance the business of our customers. The opportunities presented through digitalisation and new technologies are offering a new era of shipping. Did you know that shipping is the world’s most efficient mode of...
Want to embark on a new career journey where you can make a real impact? I'm Niko Mundolin, Head of Sales & Operations Planning and I'm searching for a curious individual like you, ready to leave a lasting mark. Join our team, where your skills will thrive, and together – let's make better happen! As a Supply Planner for consumer electronics, you’ll... Be part of our S&OP team making sure Telia has the right products, in the right place, at the right time. You will participate and prepare ...
<div class="content-intro"><p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720"></p></div><p>RELEX Solutions create cutting-edge supply chain and retail planning software. Within our platforms, we have the power and potential to increase adaptability, efficiency and sustainability in the consumer goods and retail value chain. Our impact is tangible; from sustainability and e...
<div class="content-intro"><p><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="720"></p></div><p>RELEX Solutions create cutting-edge supply chain and retail planning software. Within our platforms, we have the power and potential to increase adaptability, efficiency, and sustainability in the consumer goods and retail value chain. Our impact is tangible; from sustainability and ...
RELEX Solutions is the provider of the world’s most powerful integrated retail and supply chain planning solutions and delivers impressive results for customers around the world. With about 700 employees across 12 offices in the US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Hong Kong and our Finland headquarters, we are a close-knit community that combines start-up mentality with corporate reliability. We are now looking for an Executive Assistant to the Leadership Team. Yo...