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Research Assistants / summer trainees to all research groups in Materials Science and Environmental Engineering Unit (at least 12 positions)/ Tutkimusapulainen/kesätyöntekijä Materiaalitieteen ja ympäristötekniikan yksikköön (vähintään 12 tehtävää)

Published date 2 weeks ago
Posted: 2 weeks ago
Company Tampere University
Company: Tampere University
End date Jan. 20, 2025
Due date: Jan. 20, 2025
Location Tampere
Location: Tampere

Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society.

The Materials Science and Environmental Engineering Unit invites applications for several summer trainee positions for the three subunits described below. Summer trainees will work in the research groups in many various tasks contributing to actual research and gaining a taste of academic career.  The positions will be filled typically for a fixed-term period of three months or as mutually agreed. Trial period of 1 month applies.

Chemistry and Advanced Materials (CAM, Chemistry is the central science for building sustainable future. The CAM cluster fosters interdisciplinary solutions for contemporary problems through the design and fabrication of functional compounds and new materials. We are broadly interested in various application areas, including drug release, solar-driven chemistry, soft robotics, and bio-inspired materials, and conduct state-of-the-art research in all these areas.  We are recruiting 10-15 highly motivated research assistants / summer trainees interested in conducting research in one of the CAM subgroups related to topics ranging from chemical synthesis and functional materials design to cell-growth platforms and photovoltaics. The tasks will be scientifically driven, i.e., the summer trainees will work as part of projects aiming towards scientific achievements and publications. The trainees will be instructed by postdocs or PhD students. After becoming familiar with their research topic, they are expected to carry out the assigned tasks independently. If you are majoring in chemistry, physics, materials science, or biomedical/environmental engineering, please be in touch in case of further questions, or simply apply for a position! In case you apply, please familiarize yourself with the CAM subgroups and indicate in your letter of motivation in which of them (max. 2) you would preferentially like to work and why. 

Engineering Materials Science (EMS, utilizes new breakthrough materials to address future challenges related to the environment, energy and human welfare. We develop solutions for all materials used in industrial applications, such as metals, ceramics, elastomers, composites and paper-based materials, as well as study and develop different engineering coatings and surfaces. We take pride in our excellent quality of education; our teachers, laboratories and research are at the cutting edge of materials science in Finland.  Summer trainee position can be general tasks related to the EMS or laboratory work carried out at the research groups depending on the interest of applicant.  We are recruiting at least 1 highly motivated research assistants / summer trainees interested in one or more key areas of EMS.

The goal of the research of Bio and circular research group (BIC, to promote a cleaner and safer future for the benefit of people and the environment. The group focuses on development and implementation of biological and thermochemical processes for sustainable conversion of municipal and industrial wastes, wastewaters and flue gas streams to biochemicals and biofuels as well as for recovery of nutrients and metals. The summer trainees will work in the laboratory in selected research group depending on the interest of the applicant.  We are recruiting at least 2 highly motivated research assistants / summer trainees interested in one or more key areas of BIC


We are looking for students who dare to take initiative and have good team working and communication skills. A good command of English, both in writing and in oral presentations, will be an asset. We expect successful candidates to study in a university in Finland.

We offer: 

As a research assistant you have the perfect chance for being part of a vibrant, international and multicultural research environment, which will not only provide insight on the research world itself but will also represent the perfect occasion to get in touch with cutting-edge research.  

Summer trainees are encouraged to discuss with the research group professors about BSc and MSc thesis topics related to the training period. Many of our summer trainees, in fact, also conduct their Master’s Thesis with us.


The salary will be based on both the job demand level and the employee's personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. According to the criteria applied to teaching and research staff, the position of the Research Assistant is placed on the job demand level 1. In addition, employees will receive performance-based salary, which for Research Assistants is based on their study credits. A typical starting salary for Research assistant is approximately 2200 euros / month.

How to apply:

Please submit your application by the online application form. Closing date for applications is on Monday, 20 January 2025 (23:59 EET / 21:59 UTC).

Applications and attachments must be written in English. Applications must be enclosed with CV, letter of motivation and transcript of studies in pdf format.

You can apply with a single application. In the application form please indicate in the application form your choice of research area (CAM / EMS / BIC). All the applicants will be informed about the results of the selection as soon as possible during the evaluation process. Please note that in the selection process, priority is given to the students of Tampere University.

For more information, please contact:

Chemistry and Advanced Materials (CAM): Professor Arri Priimägi (arri.priimagi(at) or research group leaders

Engineering Materials Science (EMS): Professor Mikko Hokka (mikko.hokka(at) or research group leaders

Bio and circular research group (BIC):  Professor Marika Kokko (marika.kokko(at)  or research group leaders 

About the recruitment process: HR Specialist Tuula Jaakola (tuula.jaakola(at)


Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää:

Materiaalitieteen ja ympäristötekniikan yksikkö hakee kesäharjoittelijoita (vähintään 12 kpl) kolmelle tutkimusalueelle: Bio- ja kiertotalous, Kemia ja uudet materiaalit ja Materiaalitekniikka. Tarjoamme kesäharjoittelijoille sekä kokeellisia että laskennallisia työtehtäviä sekä opetuksen kehittämiseen liittyviä tehtäviä. Kesäharjoittelijan tehtävästä voi olla mahdollista jatkaa kandidaatintyöhön tai diplomityöhön. Bio- ja kiertotalouden tutkimuksen keskiössä ovat ympäristö-, energia- ja biotekniikan prosessit ja järjestelmät kestäviin materiaalikiertoihin sekä kemikaalien, materiaalien ja polttoaineiden tuottamiseen. Kemian tutkimus keskittyy uusiin toiminnallisiin materiaaleihin ja niihin pohjautuviin teknologioihin. Materiaaliopissa kehitämme uusia materiaaleja ja materiaalirakenteita sekä niiden tutkimusmenetelmiä tavoitteena kestävämmät materiaalit. 


Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävistä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta. Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta). Liitä hakemukseesi CV tai ansioluettelo sekä opintorekisteriote pdf-muodossa.

Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy maanantaina 20.1.2025 klo 23.59.

Voit samalla hakemuksella hakea useampaa avoinna olevaa harjoittelupaikkaa. Merkitse sähköiselle hakemuslomakkeelle, mille tutkimusalueelle tai mihin ryhmään ensisijaisesti olet hakemassa kohtaan (priorisointi, 1. sija) ja missä muissa ryhmissä olisit kiinnostunut työskentelemään, jos et tule valituksi ensisijaiseen toiveeseesi (priorisointi, muut).